FDG - Fortis Development Group
FDG stands for Fortis Development Group
Here you will find, what does FDG stand for in Firm under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Fortis Development Group? Fortis Development Group can be abbreviated as FDG What does FDG stand for? FDG stands for Fortis Development Group. What does Fortis Development Group mean?The architecture & planning business firm is located in , .
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Alternative definitions of FDG
- File Description Groups
- Front de Gauche
- Fashion Days Group
- Fast Design Group
- Faulkner Design Group
- The Fairhursts Design Group
- The Fat Duck Group
- Financial Design Group
View 39 other definitions of FDG on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- FSL For Skills Limited
- FESL Foxglove Energy Supply Ltd
- FLP Forever Living Product
- FGT Fortuna Group Trade
- FCI Foreign Counsel Institute
- FEWSF FEW Small Fish
- FFI Face Forward Inc.
- FTL F c Tech LLC
- FMC Fairway Manufacturing Company
- FLF Faust Law Firm
- FHHA Forest Heights Homeowners Associations
- FLPAQ Family Law Practitioners Association of Queensland
- FDL Footfall Direct Ltd
- FNW Funk 'N Waffles
- FFCC Friends Forever Child Care
- FFMI First Fruits Marketing Inc
- FMVCL Friars Moor Veterinary Clinic Limited
- FMFSF FMF Store Fixtures
- FSL Fingertips Solutions Limited